Vision Power Solutions



Create a vibrant and handmade look for the branding of the online event marketing of Vision Power Solutions, a year long webinar series, hosted by Climate Innovations at Movement Strategy Center. Deliverables include emails, social media assets and a slide deck template.


Silkscreen and stamp textures where used to stylize images and design elements. A layer of nature symbols are collaged with the images to visually tie each image to each other and to the climate theme.


“I will always go to Chris first and may be ruined for working with other designers.”

Client Feedback.

“We were extremely fortunate to have worked with Chris on several projects and when we had a tight deadline to launch a marketing campaign for a new branded project, he was our first choice. Chris made himself available, was organized, and asked the right questions. We loved everything Chris showed us on the first round of design- something I have never experienced with graphic artists or designers before. I trusted his judgement completely and even with our ridiculous timeline he turned everything around on time, and even provided additional services resizing for images he saw shared on social media. I will always go to Chris first and may be ruined for working with other designers.”

— Tamira Jones Machado
Director of Operations at Climate Innovation, Movement Strategy Center


Artist Circle on Climate Displacement


People's Climate Innovation Center Website